失望! government shuts down as budget talks stall 澎湖民宿From Leslie Tripp, CNN July 1, 2011 -- Updated 1027 GMT (1827 HKT) · (CNN) -- The Minnesota government 訂做禮服was forced to shut down for the second time in six years after lawmakers failed to meet a budget agreement Thursday before a midnight 售屋網deadline. Gov. Mark Dayton held a news conference to announce an impasse in budget talks two hours before the midnight deadline. "This 節能燈具is a night of deep sorrow for me," Dayton said. The governor, who ran on a platform of taxing the rich, wants to raise taxes on the 酒店經紀wealthiest 1.9% of Minnesotans, as well as cut spending. Shortly after Dayton held the news conference, House and Senate Republicans 酒店打工met with the media and accused the governor of "throwing in the towel" with two hours to go. "This is very disappointing, very 買屋網disheartening," House Speaker Kurt Zellers said. Zellers told reporters that budget talks were much closer than Dayton previously said. 酒店經紀明離蘇達州6年來第2次州政府停擺, 預算無法通過 州長想對百分之1.9的富人加稅, 來開源節流, 但是踢到鐵板, 他開記者會說很失望 州議員也開記者會土地買賣, 也說很失望! (應該州民較失望吧??)

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